Seanan McGuire ~ Letters to the Pumpkin King ♠♠♠♠

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Orange = Insgesamt tolle Texte / Lila = Zitate / Grün = Recherche

In diesem Band (erschienen als limitierte Edition bei NESFA Press) sind Texte zu folgenden Themen inkludiert (nicht erschöpfend^^): 

~ Das Dasein als Autorin, Filkerin (Folk-Musik mit Nerd-Themen, wie irre!), Katzenmama

~ Leben als Geek-Girl, My Little Pony Sammlerin, Serienjunkie und Horrorfilmfan

~ Aufwachsen in übelster amerikanischer Armut 

~ Hass-Rants auf die Modeindustrie und Erwartungen an Frauenkörper 

~ Vergewaltigungen und wieso sie das ihren Protagonistinnen nicht antun wird (Trigger Warning, btw) 

~ Diverse unterhaltsame Spiele wie Buch-Limericks, Blurb-Raten oder America's Next Top-Author! 


Und das alles natürlich nicht chronologisch, denn das wäre ja vorhersehbar und langweilig. So steht mal ein politischer Post neben einer Katzen-Anekdote und eine Award-Show neben Horror-Haikus. Zum Schluss gibt es zwei Gedichtsammlungen, die bisher nur als limitierte Heftchen auf speziellen Cons erschienen sind zu den Themen Märchen, Mythen (griechisch und keltisch) sowie magische Begegnungen im Wald. So ist nicht nur für jeden was dabei, jede*r kann auch noch was Interessantes lernen - oder wusstet ihr, was filken ist? Dass der Pumpkin King scheinbar eine eigene Religion hat? Oder Charaktere man besser nicht töten sollte?


Nachdem ich mich hoffnungslos in die "Wayward Children" verliebt habe, wollte ich a) zwischen den einzelnen Bänden was anderes lesen, damit ich mehr davon habe, und b) sehen, ob ich auch Seanan als Person mögen würde, daher habe ich mir diese Kollektion aus Essays und Blogeinträgen der letzten Jahre gekauft (erschienen 2014, einiges ist natürlich veraltet und anderes noch nicht begonnen). Kann man eine Person lieben, der man nie begegnet ist? Wenn ich mir Seanans Meinungen so ansehe (und die Bazillionen Pagemarker), glaube ich, dass wir zumindest sehr gute Freundinnen werden könnten. Außerdem war ich noch nie neidisch auf die Einleitung, die andere über eine Person geschrieben haben, aber verdammt, ich wäre ein glücklicher verrückter Keks, wenn andere so über mich denken würden, wie Cat Valente und Elizabeth Bear über Seanan. 


"Welcome to Seanan's world.

It's a lovely place, full of fairies and pumpkins and autumn nights and truths told by candlelight."

~ 08.04.21


Das Inhaltsverzeichnis: 



The Opposite of Silence by Catherynne M. Valente

An Appreciation by Elizabeth Bear

Second Breakfast Introduction


Essays and Entries

The Periodic Welcome Post

Things I Have Been Called

A Traveler’s Phrasebook to Writerland

Things I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Published Author

My Little Pony is FUCKING METAL

A Letter to President Obama

Adventures in a Brand-New Cat Tree

Let’s Make a Horror Movie

Cybernetic Space Princess on Mars

Across the Digital Divide

Pondering the Princess

My Narrative Kink is Okay, Yours is Kinda… Well, Okay

Open Space in the Dialog: Why “I Didn’t Like It” and “Bad” Aren’t the Same

The Commandments of Coyote

Komodo Dragon Love

Body Bag Blondes: Why I Break Up with Stories

On Ownership and the Story

I Know a Little Girl and Her Name is Mari Mac: The Misuse of Mary Sue

Seanan Loves Her Some Fanfic, Yes She Does: On Transformative Works

Civility on Public Transit, or, Keeping Me From Killing You

National Honesty Day

Congratulations, You’re You

Odd Duck, Normal Platypus

Thinking About Spoilers, and My Personal Policy

Dear Girls of the World Today…


I Believe…

Show, Don’t Tell: Why We Need to Be There

Some Thoughts About Gender and Literature

Person and Persona and Riding the Line

What Do Disney Princesses and Urban Fantasy Girls Have in Common?

Growing Up a Girl Geek and Becoming a Geek Girl

America’s Next Top Author

Still Life With Blue Cats

Australia! The Hugos Occur, Seanan Does Not Die

Things Seanan Isn’t Allowed to Discuss with the Reporter

Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Became a Published Author

And Then Seanan Won the Pegasus Award

Small, Medium, and Large: How Clothes Fuck Us Up

Explaining Fat Shaming to My Mother

Being a Female in the Age of the Internet

Like a Girl

Poverty and Schools

Adventures in Self-Promotion

Sometimes You’ll Never Know Why

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Marilyn Munster

Money for Floods: Poverty, Humanity, and the Social Contract

Clothes and Covers, and Why Sometimes, Characters Choose

Things I Will Not Do to My Characters. Ever.

Things I Have Learned, Things That Make Me Proud, and Clarifying Things

In Which Seanan Is Briefly Thoughtful About Awards

You Sunburnt Sicklemen, of August Weary… 

Surviving Snakebite, Surviving in the Desert, Surviving in Space…and Surviving Sudden Stardom? What?

What Gay Marriage Looks Like

Micro Aggressions, Slut-Shaming, and Book Covers: Some Thoughts

“As to hanging, it is no great hardship…”:

Internet Piracy, and Who It Hurts

Yo Ho, Heave Ho: International Please Don’t Pirate My Book Day

The Horror Movie Survival ABCs

The Endless Alienation of Media

George R.R. Martin Is Not Your Bitch, But I Might Be

Life Is Not A Zero-Sum Game: Kickstarter and the Veronica Mars Movie

In Which ASL and Stephen King Make Everything AWESOME

I’d Like To Belong Here. Do You Think That I Could?


Horror Movie Trivia Challenge

Why Authors Have Agents

Literary Limericks, Take One

Cover Me, I’m Going In

My Father Says, When You Gonna Live Your Life Right? Twenty-Five Things I Want To Do Before I Die

Please Don’t Be That Guy

Bitterness, Bullying, and Breaking the Cycle

Do Research

The Art of the Breakup

Ark of the Covenant, Covenant of the ARC

Rich, Lazy, Author? Which of These Doesn’t Apply?

On Character Death

What Happens in Vegas Doesn’t Always Stay in Vegas. Seriously

Of Authors and Agents, Take Two

Flowers, Chocolates, Promises You Don’t Intend To Keep… 

A Vague Disclaimer Is Nobody’s Friend

I Will Not Grow Up To Be Sinistar

The Three Sisters: Fantasy, Horror, and Marchen

Invisible Conditions and the Hyperkinetic Author

Write! Right? Fifty Thoughts on Writing

Write! Right? Fifty MORE Thoughts on Writing

What Makes a Book

Of Authors and Agents

How To Write a Book

Plot with Porn vs. Porn with Plot

Don’t Let Famous People Make You Batshit

Bad Behavior from Smart People: Toys Aren’t Worth It

And Then Seanan Got Angry

You Say “Bitch” Like It’s a Bad Thing

Matters of Control

Blurb It! A Game the Whole Family Can Play

Fairy Tale 101: Are You in a Fairy Tale?

Serial Killer Fun

Ten Somewhat Silly Facts About My Writing Process

Jellyfish Love

A Traveler’s Phrasebook to Writerland, Part II

Happy Limerick Day




Leaves from the Babylon Wood


Build a House

Facts of Life

Bridges in the Night


The Bells in Chinatown


The Winter Winds

Mermaid Wedding

To Candy a Kiss

Cinderella on the Rebound

Goblin Dances

My Dear Marie

Goth Girl

Jack’s Diner

Love Letters Home


Riding Hood I

Riding Hood II

Riding Hood III

Dear Prince Letters

Angel of the Airport

Back to Goblin Town

The Girl

The Sea-Gods’ Jamboree

Fallen Angel

Hello, Olympus

Now Rest


The Meaning of Gods

Build a Bridge

Elephant, Page Three


In Velvet


Lace and Skin

Express Imaging

Fractal Roses



The Bride

With Roses


New Houses


Farewells in Babylon

San Francisco’s Ghosts

Types of Rain

Letters of Apology

Cobweb Wedding

Ever After


Paths Through the Babylon Wood

Sit Down with Me

Story Sacrifice


Here (in the Moon Tent)

Here (Offerings)

The Puzzlebox Trees

Three Princesses


Circe, and Glass

The Sister on the Shore

The Heartbeat of the City


Stone Lions at Rest

The Sideshow

Dreamers in Hades

Fairy Muffins


Monday Morning

Anything At All


A Prince’s Dilemma

Queen of Romance

Fairytale Loves


Leaded Glass

Public Relations Department

The Godmother’s Child

The Godmother’s Song

We’ll Go Dancing

Discount Store



My Sister… 


Changeling Song

But Only a Trace


Banshee’s Warning

The Selkie Bride

The Songs of Allomai

The Pipes of Pan


Watch the Tides

The Ocean’s Rose

The Wife’s Tale



Leave Me

For the Snow

Dreams as White as Snow

Snow, and Seven

The Triad of the Forest

Her Father’s Delight

Starwolf Snapshots

Seasons in the Wood

Wedding Days

Summer’s Queen

The Queen of Moonlight


The Sybil Sleeps

The Wood Next Door

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zuletzt aktualisiert 11.02.2025